Biology: Notes handbook

by Mr Njogu - Martin Wanyoike



Biology: Notes handbook App gathers Biology Notes, starting from Form One to Form Four within the Syllabus. The App is set to sharpen learners with Biology skills, knowledge and experience before facing their final exam. The app also expertise students on tackling Questions in the examinations more so KCSE. Biology: Notes handbook gathers the following topics within the Syllabus: " 1.INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY.", " 2.CLASSIFICATION I.", " 4.CELL PHYSIOLOGY.", " 5.NUTRITION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS.", " 7.GASEOUS EXCHANGE.", " 8.RESPIRATION.", " 9.EXCRETION AND HOMEOSTASIS.", " 10.CLASSIFICTION II.", " 11.ECOLOGY.", " 12. a) REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS.", " 12. b) REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS.", " 14.GENETICS.", " 16.THE EYE.", " 17.SUPPORT AND MOVEMENT IN PLANTS.",